FranceTV Publicité continues to make segmented TV advertising accessible to all players and is enhancing its offering with new targeting solutions.

Opening up segmented advertising to programmatic guaranteed media buying
FranceTV Publicité launches the programmatic guaranteed media buying solution for its inventories via the DSP, The Trade Desk.
This innovation will considerably accelerate the development of segmented TV by reaching a larger number of advertisers.
Two brands will inaugurate FranceTV Publicité’s segmented TV programmatic advertising offering: EDF (advised by Havas Media) and Peugeot (advised by Starcom).
The 1st advertising network to launch isochrone targeting (travel time)
Thanks to a partnership with the start-up Smappen*, a specialist in geographic data analysis, FranceTV Publicité can now target a population based on travel time by car, bike or on foot.
The advertiser 4 pieds, specialized in furniture, inaugurated this brand-new isochrone targeting solution with its campaign running until April 18 on France 2, France 3 and France 5.
In concrete terms, the system enables the brand to reach viewers located within a maximum 30-minute drive time of its 25 stores.
Campaigns activated according to weather criteria
FranceTV Publicité offers brands the possibility to activate their campaign based on weather criteria (temperature, rain, snow, sunshine, strong winds, etc.) and geographical criteria (départements or cities).
Jardiland (advised by Mindshare), inaugurated this service with its campaign running since April 18. The gardening brand has chosen to launch its campaign in all cities with temperatures above 20 degrees.
It will thus be able to capitalize on the enthusiasm of the French for the return of warm weather to boost its sales in the targeted areas.