Outre-Mer 1ère TV

OUTRE-MER 1ère: The 1st audiovisual network of overseas territories

OutreMer 1ère is the top audiovisual group of overseas territories with one television channel, one radio station and a complete range of digital services (websites, mobile websites and applications), in each of the 9 French overseas territories.

The name of each territory is present in the station names: Guadeloupe la 1ère, Guyane la 1ère, Martinique la 1ère, Mayotte la 1ère, Nouvelle Calédonie la 1ère, Polynésie la 1ère, Réunion la 1ère, Saint Pierre et Miquelon la 1ère, Wallis et Futuna la 1ère.

  • Key figures
viewers per day
(target 13+ years)
1  %
TV audience share
(target 13+ years)
1  %
TV audience share
(target adults 25-64)

Source : Médiamétrie Guadeloupe, Martinique, La Réunion April June 2019 / Guiana April May 2019 / Mayotte April 2019 / New Caledonia September 2018 / Polynesia September October 2018

Television Channels are generalist, local and full-service channels. Independent of one another, they are created in an identical manner. They combine all local news, local productions, the purchase of specific programmes dedicated to overseas audiences or major sports events such as the Football World Cup or the Rugby World Cup, national information and cover the programmes aired in mainland France by France Télévisions (available on free to air).

These channels are totally different from France Ô, and are intended for the overseas audience of mainland France.

The TV advertisement on 1ères channels is governed by the same rules as in mainland France:

  • commercial advertisements from 06:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.
  • non-commercial advertisements from 8:00 p.m. to 06:00 a.m.
  • sponsorship throughout the day

To watch the 1ères stations, click here and select the territory of your interest.