Trace Urban

  • Key figures
1 M
viewers every month

Strong affinity with the 25-34 age group (ind.203)

Source: Médiamat’Thématik V41/Overall audience/Coverage base 4+/Evolution versus survey 39/

Profile by age base 4+, by category base 15+/Affinity and gender base 15+

The mainstream channel

Trace offers a unique view on urban cultures and music. It broadcasts the most prominent musical genres, including the latest Hip-Hop and RnB hits as well as dance, pop and reggaeton.

In French overseas territories, FranceTV Publicité advertises Trace Urban in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana and La Réunion. In these territories, it is the most listened to music channel and the most popular among individuals 13-34 listeners in Guyana and among individuals 20-49 listeners in La Réunion.


Target thematic packs: Women and Millennials

Broadcasted by:

Bouygues, Canal, Free, Numericable, Orange, SFR, Molotov; Videofutur

Médiamétrie Métridom / April-June 2019 (Guadeloupe, Martinique, La Réunion) April May 2019 (Guyana)

Already marketed by FranceTV Publicité in the French overseas territories, and is now available to advertisers in metropolitan France.

As such, FranceTV Publicité announces the creation of a unique Trace product including the coupled sale of the Trace Latina and Trace Urban channels.

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