France 24 - TV5Monde : a reference in Europe
- A high level of awareness (56%)
- A viewer profile that remains as premium as ever: 21% AB+ (index 156) and 43% decision-makers (index 133)
- An audience with a high purchasing power, more than competitors: an average income of €86K, up 9% on last year, and up 4.5% on the competition;
- With a high willingness to consume products and services.
Survey methodology
- Pan European survey conducted between January and December 2022 and administered online
- The survey covers a total of 20 countries, including 17 countries in Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Turkey) and 3 countries in Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary)
- The IPSOS Affluent Europe study measures the behaviors of Europe’s most affluent consumers and most senior executives – the 13% of adults with the highest incomes in the region.